Dave Austin, Director of Operational Resilience (Oprel).
He is a highly experienced Business Continuity, ICT Continuity and Crisis Management consultant and has specialised in these areas since 1993.
Dave has 30 years of IT experience and with over 20 years experience in IT disaster recovery and Business Continuity. His experience extends to numerous sectors including Finance, Manufacturing, Retail, Central Government, Local Government, Technology, Transport, Utilities and Broadcasting; and across the full lifecycle of business continuity management.
Dave has spoken at conferences including Germany and Slovenia and is an effective presenter with wide-ranging knowledge of Business Continuity and the related industry best practice. Dave is a member of the BSI's committee to develop and promote a Business Continuity standard, BS25999 and chaired the panel that has produced BS25999-2 to which organizations are now able to verify their compliance. Dave is also a member of the committee that developed BS25777, a standard for ICT Continuity, a member of the UK committee on Societal Resilience (SSM/1) and a member of the International Standards working group (TC223) that is developing ISO22301 which will be the first International guidance on continuity planning.
Gillian Gilbert, Director and Company Secretary.
She is an Accounting technician with a background within IT, having been a mainframe operator for over 12 years. Gillian deals with all of the finance and back office administration for Oprel and also provides accounting services to local businesses.